Zumba with Violeta at The Rocks
On a Thursday evening down at The Abraham Mott Hall, you'll find an energetic & always friendly Violeta teaching a mixed group of people the moves of Zumba.
Vi is one of those fitness instructors who wants you to have fun, she even brings along a DJ who spins tunes so you can sing along while working out.
Never having attended a zumba class, I found the 45min class went by very quickly, good crowd and mix of people (its not just for girls). Everyone was friendly and looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Classes are inexpensive ($15 per class with packages available) and no commitment required - something that might appear to the nearby city crowd. The Hall is also close by to the Lord Nelson, handy if you want to cool down with an icy cold beverage afterwards
136039 - 2023-06-13 12:09:36