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A very interesting and well-written article. Such a shame that Z Ward is being allowed to fall into ruin. Imagine how much more useful it would have been as a museum. People are always interested in places like this, just look at the numbers of people who pass through the old Adelaide Gaol. I can't understand what the Government was thinking in evicting the Glenside Historical Society and destroying their collection. Does anyone know if any reasons were ever given to explain these actions?
by lilli (score: 1|73) 3796 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3796 days ago
Thanks lilli.

It seems that not all of the collection has been destroyed - I have now been told that the Society has some artifacts remaining on premises that Arts SA has made available, although it is not open to the public.

I wholeheartedly agree with your point about the Adelaide Gaol - there is little doubt this place could be just as popular.