Young Territory Author Awards 2017

Young Territory Author Awards 2017


Posted 2017-04-29 by Mindo Koerberfollow

Sat 29 Apr 2017 - Fri 30 Jun 2017

Do you know someone who loves writing? The is one medium that will challenge young authors in Northern Territory to put their brilliant ideas in writing. Since 1991, City of Darwin Libraries has presented the Young Territory Author Collection and Young Territory Author Awards.

The aim of Young Territory Author Collection is to provide a pathway for young writers to be able to share their writing with the wider community. This program offers a $500 prize for the best entry of author/illustrator. These awards are open for all Territorians aged 18 years old and under. These awards are recognised in association with Municipal Councils, schools and public libraries of the Northern Territory.

To enter this competition, please pick up an entry form from any public library or school throughout the Northern Territory or download the form from Entries for this year close on 30 June 2017. Winners will be announced in August 2017 at a ceremony hosted by the Lord Mayor. All entrants, families and teachers are welcome to attend this special ceremony event. The winners will be published in the Weekend NT News after the awards ceremony.

Please notice the conditions of entry before you submit your work: all entries will be in a book format, so your entry must contain a front and back cover, a title page stating the name of the book, the name of the author(s) and acknowledgment of an illustrator or other person who has contributed to your book. Page numbers have to be printed on each page. Don't forget to acknowledge where quotes and/or pictures are used if it's from another source.

Entries submitted must be original work of the author/illustrator. Author must be 18 years or under and must reside in the Northern Territory at the time of writing the book. Entries must be submitted along with the appropriate entry form, so don't forget to visit any libraries in Northern Territory or pick up the entry form from your school.

There are two entry forms; Young Territory Author Awards entry form (this is for individual entry) or the school entry form. A school entry must be submitted by the classroom teacher and authored by the majority of students in the class.

Books may be fiction, non-fiction, novels, picture books, anthologies, etc. There is no limit to the number of entries as long as everything complies with the conditions of entry.

All entries will become the property of City of Darwin, however the author/illustrator still retains all rights of sale or reproduction of the content of the prize-winning books.

All entries can be submitted to City of Darwin Libraries, PO Box 40171 Casuarina NT 0811. Please ring mobile phone number 0466 777 809 for any enquiries or email to [email protected].

!date 29/04/2017 -- 30/06/2017
95607 - 2023-06-12 02:09:00


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