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Xbox 360 Kinect

Home > Adelaide > Games | Party Ideas
Published June 6th 2011

Winter is the best time to have friends over for a few drinks, dinner, maybe a movie. Just a small party in the comfort and warmth of your own home. It can get a little stale though, doing the same thing every weekend. Board games can be fun, but what about a video game where you are in complete control? That's right, if you have an Xbox 360, you just need to buy the Kinect sensor bar, which ranges from $174 - $200 (depending where you go), and it comes in a pack with the very fun Adventures game.Then you're ready to get that party going.

Xbox 360 Kinect is the ultimate party starter with sports, dancing and even acting games, that puts you in complete control. You aren't just holding a controller, pushing buttons to control what you do in the game, you have to get up and perform all actions yourself. If you're bowling, you need to act out holding the ball and throwing it down the lane to get the strike. If you're boxing, you need to keep your hands up to protect your face, and throw hard punches to knock out your opponent, or kicking the soccer ball good and hard to score the goal. Not only is it a lot of fun playing, those watching have a good laugh at how silly you look boxing an invisible opponent, throwing a bowling bowl you're not really holding, or kicking a soccer ball that's not actually there. Don't worry though, everyone will get a go to look a bit silly, and you'll be having so much fun you won't care.

At the moment the Kinect library of games is fairly limited with sports and dancing games dominating, there are still other games available, and plenty more to come. Kinectimals (out now) allows you to build lasting friendships with exotic animals from around the world, that will interact with you voice and movement. Joy Ride (out now) lets you go for a spin, no license required, and no controller. Sonic Free Riders (out now) lets you become your favourite character, jump on your board and compete in adrenaline filled, exhilarating races. Power Up Heroes (release - 10/6/2011) has you become a super hero in this full body fighting game. Rise of Nightmares (release - 26/8/2011) is a horror experience like no other. Thrust into this first person horror adventure, you'll experience fear like never before.

Party games definitely dominate with Kinect, because that's what it's really for. Great fun with friends and family. One of the really great things about Kinect is, that you'll be doing exercise without even realising it - you're having too much fun to think about it. It will definitely stop you from becoming lazy and sluggish over winter.
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Why? Great fun with friends and family.
When: Whenever you like
Where: You're own home
Cost: $174 - $200 plus the cost of games
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