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January 2013...Thought this looked like a brilliant holiday outing for the kids and drove all the way from the northside to find the boardwalk closed off due to structural problems. We walked along the walking path beside the mangroves anyway, but it was mostly full sun, hot and boring, certainly not the shady-mangrove-nature-spotting outing I was hoping for. We decided to cut our losses and headed back to Pandanus beach for a picnic and to check out the play park. We were completely disappointed to find the area so packed with people that there wasn't a single car park available...and it was standing area only in the picnic grounds and play area - there were literally hundreds and hundreds of people swarming over the place. We drove for quite some time further up the foreshore to find an uncrowded shady spot under a tree for our meal and then headed home. So disappointing considering there are many spots on the northside where we could have had a much nicer time.
by Joan0fArc (score: 1|12) 3809 days ago