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I would be lovely to have a home made wreath on the door but I'm not crafty so I'll be unpacking the same old one again this year.
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4|10580) 1289 days ago
by Jenny Pickett (score: 3), 1288 days ago
I was really looking forward to giving it a go but didn't get there in the end - I've spotted a few around the neighbourhood... I think craft (the right type - in the right dose/balance) can be very therapeutic. I'm not normally crafty either but yesterday, as a result of a WeekendNotes Invite, I took part in a workshop at City of Tea Tree Gully's Gallery 1855 (not near me, I'm at Brighton but worth the drive!) - where a professional jewellery designer gave us hands on instruction (including fixing our work!) and we each made our own neck pieces featuring semi-precious stones. I've got it hanging up where I can walk past and admire it and I felt like I really achieved something plus it was indeed the type of focused therapy I needed. Worth a thought ...