World Heritage Bid - Mount Lofty Ranges Lectures
Wed 11 Jun 2014
A consortium of South Australian Councils and other groups is proposing that the agrarian landscape of the Mount Lofty Ranges should be placed on UNESCO's World Heritage list.
They believe that World Heritage listing could bring significant economic, social and cultural benefits to the region's communities. This may include increased investment, additional business opportunities and better recognition of local products. It's also likely to stimulate increased pride in South Australia's beautiful agricultural landscape, and lead to increased tourism.
The Mount Lofty Ranges zone stretches from Cape Jervis at the bottom of the Fleurieu Peninsula, through to the Battunga Country and
Meadows . From the
Adelaide Hills to the
Barossa , Clare and
Gilbert Valleys , the Ranges stretch all the way to Peterborough in the north.
To support and celebrate this exciting initiative, the University of South Australia's Hawke Centre is holding two free lectures that will help clarify the process involved, and provide more information about the benefits of World Heritage listing for the Mount Lofty Ranges primary production area.
The first free lecture by distinguished Professor Amareswar Galla is titled
beyond borders Benefits Beyond Borders , and will use a World Heritage site in Vietnam as a case study to discuss issues including
what does World Heritage mean
what are the World Heritage criteria
what are the benefits of being a World Heritage site
other World Heritage sites around the world
The lecture is being held on Wednesday April 2 at 5.30pm for a 6pm start, and requires
free registration in advance for catering purposes.
The second free lecture by author and consultant James Rebanks will look at World Heritage sites around the world to discover the benefits of being a World Heritage site. In particular he will examine the implications for the Mount Lofty Ranges wine, food and tourism industries.
there opportunity for economic gain Is There Opportunity for Economic Gain , this lecture will also require free registration (which is not yet open).
James Rebanks' lecture will be held on Wednesday June 11, also at the Allan Scott Auditorium, Hawke Building, UniSA City West campus.
In the light of the current government's plans to
strip World Heritage protection from Tasmania's forests, it makes South Australia's bid even more topical. It has the potential to provide great benefits to the future of our state.
To find out more about the World Heritage bid for the Mount Lofty Ranges agrarian landscape,
see this website .
#family -attractions
!date 11/06/2014 -- 11/06/2014
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