3 Wonderfully Weird Events in Australia
There are mysterious artifacts and natural unexplained phenomenon around the world – Stonehenge, Easter Island in Chile and the Paris Catacombs amongst some of the more popular ones. However, you don't need to travel across the world to be shrouded by mystery. There are some pretty unusual secrets hidden in our own background as well. See below for some of the mysteries that have baffled the masses.
Min Min Lights
Most people have heard of the Northern Lights but not many have heard of the Australian equivalent. Ethereal and elusive, you can find them wandering around Outback Australia. You are more likely to sight this in the town of Boulia where reports are regularly made. The lights were discovered by a stockman in 1918, who originated from a small town called "Min Min", hence the unusual name of the lights. If you are ever in the town of Boulia, you can attend the Min Min Encounter Show which is a 45 minute theatrical experience that introduces the stories of the Min Min light as told by various characters who have claimed to see the light. Tickets cost $16 per adult and you can contact them on
[email protected] or 07 4746 3386.
Morning Glory Cloud
Described by the Lonely Planet as the "next most spectacular thing to see in the sky after a solar eclipse", the morning glory cloud happens around September or October. Popular with glider pilots intend on riding it, the Morning Glory cloud is a roll cloud that can be up to 1,000 kilometres long. As it is quite rare, explanations on the reasons for its formation are currently inconclusive. Most enthusiasts flock to Burketown in the Gulf of Carpentaria to view this rare meteorological phenomenon.
Crop Circle Australia
Crop circles have been appearing around the world – a natural phenomenon where sizeable patterns created by the flattening of crop are seemingly created overnight. It is a mystery how the patterns were formed although theories range from man-made pranks to paranormal events and extraordinary meteorological phenomena. On November 23, 2012 a huge crop circle was photographed on Lachlan Valley in New South Wales. There were no traces of human tracks around the area but was in the form of a solar eclipse. Coincidence? Or just unexplained?
And there you have it - 3 mysteries to ponder over right here in Australia. If you are lucky enough, you may even witness some of the above once in your life!
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