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Winter Vegetable Soup Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Food and Wine | Recipes
by Sara K (subscribe)
Adelaide local who loves her city
Published June 30th 2011
Winter Vegetable Soup

You will need:

2 carrots, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
1 turnip or parsnip, chopped
2 sticks of celery, chopped
Handful of long spaghetti, broken in half
4 cups of vegetable or chicken stock
Olive oil, salt and pepper to taste

Step 1) Using the olive oil, saute all of the vegetables together in a large pot until they are just softened.

Step 2) Add vegetable stock and simmer for approximately half an hour. Season with salt and pepper and taste.

Step 3) Add the spaghetti and simmer until tender.
If you wish you can blend the soup in a blender then add the spaghetti.

Serve and enjoy.

This soup is best served with crusty loaf bread and butter. I always try to make double the amount in a really big pot and freeze half for later. Defrost in the fridge if possible, or you can run the container under warm water. Reheat completely before serving.
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Why? Tasty winter warmer
When: Anytime
Where: Home
Cost: $7.00 to $10.00
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