Winter Solstice Events in Melbourne
Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and this usually falls between 21st and 23rd June each year. In Melbourne, the sun will rise at 7.35 am and set at 5.08 pm. This means there will only be 9 hours 32 minutes on this day, 21st June 2018.
The following is a list of events you could attend to celebrate this astrological event.
[b] 1. YULE - Celebration of the Rebirth of the SUN[/b]
This event will be held on 23rd June from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm. It will be on at 130 Boronia Road, Vermont and the actual ritual will start at 7.30 pm. As the weather gets colder and the days shorter, dress in your magical Yule gear, bring your drum or other musical instrument and join in these celebrations.
This will be in the "magic cottage" where everyone will gather around the fireside to ceremonially light the Yule fire. This will also raise the energy and spread the light in celebration of the [i]"rebirth and return of the sun".[/i] After this, there will be some songs and these include "The 13 Days of Yuletide".
All contributions of seasonal food, song, music and magic are welcome! A $20 donation is also requested and children are free.
For more information, contact Julie on 9873 3736 or
[email protected].
[b]2. Belgrave Lantern Parade - Light the Longest Night[/b]
This will be held on Saturday 23rd June, from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
The Hills community will celebrate the 12th annual Belgrave Lantern Parade to light the longest night! The parade will start at 5.30 pm. As the parking is limited, it is suggested you come to this event by public transport.
Belgrave Lantern Parade has been warming the heart of Belgrave on winter solstice every year. This symbolises the move back to more sunshine, spring and warmth. You can watch this FREE event from the side of the road or join the parade if you carry a lantern or are illuminated in any way.
Belgrave will turn into a festival of light for a few hours while this parade is on. There will be drumming, belly dancing and thousands of lights!
There will also be food vendors in the Hayes Carpark as well as campfires to keep you warm. Add to this there will be musicians, circus performances and more!
For more information, email:
[email protected]
[b]3. The Winter Solstice Festival at Edendale Farm[/b]
Celebrate the return of the light on Saturday 23rd June from 3 pm to 9 pm. The address is Edendale Community Environment Farm, 30 Gastons Road, Eltham.
There will be live music, delicious food, a wonderful children's lantern parade, mulled wine, pony rides, fire entertainers and an enormous sculptural bonfire.
This popular event is now running for 7 years and promises to be a fabulous, wintery evening of entertainment and family fun. Eltham is about thirty-five minutes from central Melbourne at the entrance of the Yarra Valley.
You can get your tickets
here , and also read more about the event
here .
[b]4. Winter Solstice Fun Run[/b]
The Winter Solstice Fun Run and Walk will be held on Sunday 17th June. There will be 5km, 9km, and 15km walks or runs you can enter into.
The Portland Winter Solstice Fun Run will have three challenging scenic runs and achievement walks.
As well as this, there will be a carnival finish line with food, music and a free 1 km Children's Dash. Portland Runners Club will donate $2 from each entry to the South West Relay-For-Life.
There will be some great prizes on offer, and details of the event can be seen
here .
[b]5. Darker Days[/b]
This event is slightly after the winter solstice, however, you can still live the day, and burn the night. This event will be on Saturday 30th June, 2018, at the Victorian High Country.
Darker Days is a dark beer and mid-winter festival that brings people together to toast the season and welcome the return of lighter days following the Winter Solstice.
It is a family-friendly festival and there will be gourmet warming foods, treats from local producers, wine from local wineries, live music and winter activities.
Once the sun has set, Bright Brewery's riverside lands will come alive with a spectacular ceremonial burning of a giant wooden structure in the shape of the brewery's logo.
You can gather around the fire making damper or roasting marshmallows and chestnuts. While doing this, you will hear local wordsmiths and poets tell campfire tales and even a ghost story or two.
You can find out a lot more information at their
196434 - 2023-06-16 04:18:43