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Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo

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by Nessa123 (subscribe)
I'm a freelance writer living in Perth, Western Australia.
Published July 13th 2012
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Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo

Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo is an Easter themed adaptation of Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol and is the most creative adaptation of the story I have ever seen.

The gang gets together, to celebrate Easter at Rabbit's house, only to find that Rabbit has cancelled Easter and replaced it with Spring Cleaning Day, leaving his friends miserably sad.

In order to convince Rabbit that he still loves Easter, both Tigger and the Narrator, take Rabbit out of the storybook and back in time to the previous year when it was Roo's first Easter, when everyone was having a great time and Rabbit was the Easter Bunny and then shows him how sad and lonely his future would be if Easter was forever replaced with Spring Cleaning Day, but just like the original Dickens story, there is eventually a happy ending to this enchanting tale from the hundred acre wood.

You can see the trailer here.

Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo is rated G for general guidance and was originally released on DVD in 2003.

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Why? For Easter fun, with a Dickens twist.
When: Any Time
Where: World Wide
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