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Such a disappointment, this spot has so much potential for a thriving cafe !
Don't despair - Aireys does have a cafe which ticks all the boxes - great food coffee and setting - down beside the river. Give yourself a bit of time after delicious, seriously good food, cake and coffee and an explore along the river
there is one of the best book stores around just next door.
So to get there - sorry I can't remember the name - but it is on the right hand side of the highway at the bottom of Aireys driving toward Lorne. The last in the little block of shops as you are about to leave town. Worth looking for.
regards, Linda C
by linda (score: 0|2) 3723 days ago
by Ellen Lawler (score: 0), 3722 days ago
I think you're talking about Aireys Inlet Foodstore and Cafe - if you are I completely agree! It's wonderful