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Home > Victoria > Comments > Wildlife Spotting in the Dandenong Ranges
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Hi Kathie.. I don't know if you remember me, but we used to talk photo's some time ago. Your article caught my eye because I wrote a similar one about the Bunya Mountains just the other day. I am new here, and seems you are too. I still miss the Dandenong's having grew up close by and still haven't been back to visit yet, but really must get to do that one day.
by Tracie Louise (score: 2|123) 3639 days ago
by Kathie Thomas (score: 1), 3639 days ago
Lovely to hear from you Tracie. And yes, I remember the chats. I got introduced here by a fellow writer friend from Canada so thought I'd explore. Been photographing and writing about the Dandenongs for sometime now, as you're probably aware. This seems a good venue to continue doing that :-)