When the War Was Over at ANZAC Cottage
Sun 02 Dec 2018
How long did the jubilation that followed the Armistice declaration last, and what issues had to be faced by everyone, when the 'war to end all wars', finally ended?
Friends of ANZAC Cottage will outline some of these challenges on
December 2,
2018 with talks at
1:45pm and repeated at
2:45pm. On this final Open Day for the year, the Cottage, situated at 38 Kalgoorlie Street, Mt Hawthorn, will be open from
1:00pm until
Coming home
Anne Chapple will delve into the issues that faced the returning servicemen and women and those issues that faced those who had 'kept the home fires burning'.
Anne will consider issues that impacted on the return of the soldiers, such as the fact that the sheer volume of soldiers who were overseas when the war ended posed a problem for the government.
Firstly, the authorities had to bring them home in a staggered approach due to a lack of shipping transport available. Secondly, this led to another problem of what to do with those who had to cool their heels overseas whilst they were waiting to return home.
Additionally, the outbreak of Spanish flu on some of the ships bringing the soldiers home meant that some of the returning soldiers were not able to land because of this rapidly spreading deadly illness.
Fitting in
Once the men were at home, the issues of 'fitting back' into the community became evident: the difficulty obtaining paid work, the issues of disability and adjusting lives to cope with those disabilities and of course, the issue, that today we recognise, but in those times was neither acknowledged nor was treatment available of what we now know as PTSD.
The caption of the cartoon below reveals the issues that the government and communities faced in their efforts to rehabilitate returning veterans in the aftermath of World War I.
Everyone is invited
Visitors are welcome to come and view the Cottage and hear some of the fascinating history of this heritage-listed building. More information can be obtained about
ANZAC Cottage, by emailing
[email protected], or calling Anne on 0411 44 55 82. Check updates on their
Facebook page , and while you are at it,
take a peek here.
Entry is
free with afternoon tea available for a gold coin donation.
Images are courtesy of the Friends of ANZAC Cottage collection unless otherwise noted. Artwork is by John F.
!date 02/12/2018 -- 02/12/2018
194810 - 2023-06-16 04:04:06