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Home > Brisbane > Comments > What's the Best Way to Lose Weight?
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My husband and I have did weight loss together. But the way that we do it is good for you and does not harm anyone. We get wraps that are low in carbs, alfa sprouts and he buys 97%fat free deli chicken from Wool worth's. We make wraps with lettuce, onion, alfa sprouts, a little meat and tomatoes or things that does not add any calories. After eating we usually walk about 4 blocks 3 times every night. You do lose the kilos, you exercise, and plus everything is easy on the body and healthy for you. This is the only thing that actually I have ever tried that does work for anyone.
by Bobbie Harlow (score: 1|34) 4034 days ago
by Sue Williams (score: 2), 4034 days ago
Sounds a good method - thanks for your comment!