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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Easter Weekend On The Mornington Peninsula
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Thankyou so much for this - we have had a house on the Peninsula for 12 years and yet I never knew we could do all this stuff at easter with the kids - I am thoroughly looking forward to some easter fun now (plus I also looked at your other mornington peninsula post and loved those ideas too!) so many thanks from us!
by Accou (score: 0|7) 3344 days ago
by Accou (score: 0), 3343 days ago
What a lovely idea - my kids would love that and give me the chance to shop without them complaining!!!
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 3344 days ago
Thanks for reading, I appreciate your kind words :) I have lived on the Peninsula all my life and I like that there is always something happening but it's not always well advertised.
If you visit Mornington the kids can search for the 8 easter bunnies on shop windows throughout the town and go into the draw to win $150. My kids did this yesterday and I was surprised at how excited they were doing it. Forms are available outside the Mornington Newsagency.

Have a happy easter :)