What's on at the Movies - June 2021

What's on at the Movies - June 2021


Posted 2021-06-08 by Visual art by Taniafollow

Well, yes I would be stumped at the subtitle too, but in the past 9 days, I have gone to the movies and watched A Quiet Place 2, Cruella and The Conjuring 3 and thought I would write a combined review on all 3.

A Quiet Place 2

You know I really loved the first movie A Quiet Place, it was just a little different, very suspenseful, well-acted, and beautifully directed movie. When I heard that A Quiet Place 2 was coming, I was so excited and then again a little apprehensive at the same time. How many times has Hollywood brought out a sequel that should have been thrown in the bin before it was made! I am so glad that I went to see this sequel, as it is every bit as good as the first movie. I really don't want to give the plot away, as those of you who liked the first movie will not want any spoilers, but it does go back in the past to day 1 of the invasion, and then carries on from the last movie. If you haven't seen the first movie, then it's out on DVD, and you definitely will want to watch the first movie before you see the second.

I went to this movie just for the fun of it. As kids, we all loved the 101 Dalmatians, because they were oh so cute, weren't they! Well, this film is most certainly a Disney film, lighthearted, fun, and a little bit kooky. But do not expect it to be anything like the 101 Dalmatians, in fact, the dalmatians in this movie are actually quite mean, but if you want a laugh, and some lighthearted humour then do go and indulge in this movie, oh and the soundtrack rocks! Again, the plot is everything in a movie like this, and I don't want to give away any of it, but it does start with the birth of young Cruella and how her life evolves from there. Of course, her lift is quite a disaster, which is why she is known as the Devil, but she is a fashion designer, so expect to see some colossal outfits fit for the Disney stage on any good day.

The Conjuring 3

Well, if you have seen The Conjuring 1 & 2, you know that they are based on so-called true stories. And I would hazard a guess that a great "story" they are, but you know if anyone can conjure up the words true stories, it was definitely Ed and Lorraine Warren who could do it. They were quite a hit in the early 80s I believe, and their stories are what's told in the Conjuring series of films. I did enjoy watching the movie, mostly at the wonderment of what is classed as a spirit haunting, but it was also a tiny bit scary and held my interest all the way through. The film centres around a young man who has been possessed by a demon, and then kills someone. He is tried for murder and the Warrens are involved. The trial and the outcome are true, and documented, which makes the story a good one to tell on the big screen. If you like the supernatural or are just curious about the true facts in a movie like this, then it is worth a trip to the cinema.

206676 - 2023-06-16 05:52:20


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