What Are Good Card Games To Play

What Are Good Card Games To Play


Posted 2013-05-26 by Serenafollow

Are you sick and tired of playing the same old card games over and over? Well here are some good ones that I know of, if you know of any other ones that you'd like to tell the world about please comment because new games are always appreciated.

So firstly, Big 2. In this game the Two of Spades is the highest card in the game. The cards are ranked by number starting from Three upwards and by suit Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, Spades.

The aim of the game is that every player is dealt cards until the deck runs out and then they play their cards starting from whoever has the Three of Diamonds (the lowest card) in a circular direction until no players have cards anymore. The aim of the game is to use up your whole hand first.

The cards must be played from lowest to highest, so if a Nine is played, anything lower than that cannot be played. Furthermore, the way the cards are played must also be followed, so that, if the first person plays a pair of Threes, then the next person must play a higher pair or else say "pass" and miss their turn for the continuation of the round.

A round continues until every player says "pass" and then the player who played the highest cards that round gets to start again with whatever they like.

Players can play doubles, triples, and combos which are ranked (flush - 5 cards of the same suit, straight - 5 cards in order e.g 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 10, J, Q, K, A [note you cannot have a link between A and 2 so no A, 2, 3, 4, 5 or J, Q, K, A, 2, as they are poker combos], four of a kind - all four of one number plus a random card, straight flush - in order and same suit)

If a person plays their last card/(s), but no-one playing can beat what they have played, the next player gets a "free turn" and can play whatever they like.

Emperor Scum is a variation of this game, where at the end of the game ranking matters. The first person to finish becomes the Mega Emperor, the next person becomes Emperor, third Neutral, fourth Scum, and fifth Mega Scum.
After everyone has finished and all ranks are established, when playing the next game, after dealing the cards, the Mega Scum must give their two highest cards to the Mega Emperor, who, after seeing those cards, gives the Mega Scum any two cards back. This also applies to Scum and Emperor but with only one card. Neutral does no swapping.

The game continues as normal and ranks are re-calculated at the end of the game. However, if the Mega Emperor loses their title they are instantly sent to Mega Scum and ranks are re-ordered accordingly (all game ranks are simply moved up one).

If you have a large group of people and want to play with two decks, the new order is Supreme Emperor, Mega Emperor, Emperor, Neutral, Scum, Mega Scum, Supreme Scum. OR you can choose to have more Neutral players, such as Mega Emperor, Emperor, Neutral, Homeless Neutral, Scum, Mega Scum. It really does apply to you, but all Neutrals still do not switch cards.

Another game you could play is Asian Snap. This game is like regular snap, but with a whole lot more rules. Let's see if we can get through them all. The aim of the game is to end up with all the cards.

- All pairs are snapped
- Two cards that add to 10 are snapped (if a 10 comes up you just snap it on its own)
- Sandwich snaps apply to both pairs and two cards that add to 10. If there is only one card between these cards it can be snapped as a "sandwich" e.g. 2, 5, 2 can be snapped as a sandwich as there's only one card between a pair of 2s. Or, 3, 4, 7 can be snapped as there is only one card between a 3 and a 7 which adds to 10.
- Counting rule which is that if the first card is an A, it can be snapped, same as if the 2nd is a 2, 3rd is a 3 and so forth. J, Q, K count as 11, 12 and 13.
- The face card rule, which is that if a J is played, the next player must place a face card (A, J, Q, K) in one turn or else the player who played the J gets all the cards in the pile. If a Q is played, the next player gets to play two cards but must get a face card within those two (e.g. if the first card isn't a face they may play the second card, if the second card is not a face card either then the player who played the Q gets all the cards in the pile) this continues for the K which is 3 cards and the A which is 4 cards. However if a face card comes up within the set number of cards, the system re-sets and the next player has to flip cards e.g. if player 1 plays a Q, then player 2 plays a K on their first flip then player 3 has three chances to play a face card and if they don't then player 2 gets all the cards.
Another exception to this is if any kind of snap card comes into play, like a sandwich, pair, add 10 or 10, counting card, then anyone playing can snap the cards and take the whole pile.

I know it's complicated but it's a lot of fun and takes a lot of brain power. Good luck.

Last but not least, Reverse Hearts which is played the same as Hearts on your computer but the card values are different. You want to TAKE the most number of points, and the J of diamonds will cost you 13 points.

So next time you're playing cards and want to try something new try one of these games!

89618 - 2023-06-11 08:10:29


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