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Published March 25th 2020
Kindness spreads faster than coronavirus
Photo Credit Facebook We're Going on a Bear Hunt Australia
This is such a lovely idea, I am not surprised it is taking off all over the world.
Little children are without a doubt picking up some of the tensions their parents are feeling at the moment. They realise they are home more and seeing other people less. especially extended family such as their grandparents. All in the name of social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.
My daughter is in the U.S, where she has been working from home for the last two weeks due to the huge concerns there about the coronavirus.
Photo Credit Facebook We're Going on a Bear Hunt Australia
She is with her husband and their almost three-year-old. They are totally self-isolating except for the daily walk around the neighbourhood. A bit of fresh air. But even when they walk, they are social distancing and staying well away from any gatherings including playgrounds.
This daily walk has become the highlight of their day as it has for many families who are being similarly cautious. No-one knows where the idea for the bear hunt started but it has been taking off all over the world.
Whole neighbourhoods are starting to put teddy bears in front windows, on chairs in porches and funny spots in gardens so kids can go on a bear hunt as they go about these walks.
Photo Credit Facebook We're Going on a Bear Hunt Australia
This special outing breaks the monotony of days at home and stops an over-reliance on screens. It adds some magic to what could be a routine walk.
We're going on a bear hunt style walks is a positive coming out of all the isolation we find ourselves placed in and a real stress buster for littlies. Not to mention all the adults out there who still have a place in their hearts for teddy bears and love spotting them.
The bears are popping up all over in lots of small towns, and suburbs and people are coordinating the event through social media postings on Instagram and Facebook. It just got viral #putyourteddyout
Photo Credit Facebook We're Going on a Bear Hunt Australia
Kids squeal with delight when they spot a bear in there. It can become a game for them of counting as they go. This activity is done from the safety of the footpath so social distancing is still in place.
There is a dedicated Melbourne page which you can access here. The numbers of photos of teddies in Melbourne windows are multiplying by the minute.
Melissa Kleynhans from Officer has a Facebook page urging Melburnians to put teddy bears in their windows, so kids can go on a bear hunt. As she says "kindness spreads faster than coronavirus. With social distancing going on let's come together as a community and bring some joy to our kids! Put a Teddy Bear at your window and let the little ones have some fun as they search for Bears on a Bear Hunt walk!"
But you could start this anywhere at all through your social networks.
I can't see my grandson due to huge social distancing (he is in the States and a plan to come over here for Easter has been postponed indefinitely) but I do plan to dust off Big Ted (my grown son's teddy) and put him in our front window for all those children walking past on their way to the park.
Photo Credit Facebook We're Going on a Bear Hunt Australia
If you do end up taking your children on a bear hunt, don't forget to read them the famous book on which the concept is based. We're Going On A Bear Hunt the 1989 classic storybook by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.