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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Welcome to Winter in Docklands
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I went to the Winter festival on 1st June with my children. However the event was largely disappointing, with long lines and unorganized kiosk style activities. When I asked one of the activity organizers where the line was to wait for my turn, she rudely answered there is no line and I should just come back when it is less busy. I was quite shocked really as the lines were only getting longer and longer. There was not enough room to properly participate in the activities, and the children were rushed out or encouraged to take the activity home and do the craft in their own time. The only positive thing about the day was the music, and the magician walking among the crowd. I thought Docklands could do much better than that.
by Happy Mom (score: 2|548) 3647 days ago
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 3647 days ago
Hi Naureen,
That sounds very disappointing and unfortunately not the only negative comment I have received about the event. Hopefully the event organisers read this and better prepare for their next event, if people are prepared to attend.

Thanks for your comment.

Kind Regards,