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We Need To Talk About Kevin - Film Review

Home > Sydney > Movie Reviews | Cinema
by Rhys Annetts (subscribe)
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later - Stanley Kubrick
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Please note there are spoilers in this review.

"It's easy to misunderstand something, when you hear it out of context.

Why would I not understand the context? I am the context

We Need To Talk About Kevin' is the new earth shattering thriller/drama from director Lynne Ramsay. We follow the story through the eyes of a frightened mother Eva Khatchadourian (Tilda Swinton), whose son goes on a high school killing spree, and she is forced to go through life with regret. She finds it hard to start a new life within her community, believing that how she raised her son somehow turned him into a monster. As she tries to find herself a new life, she struggles to come to terms with her son's actions.

Eva Khatchadourian is a young woman who is easily frustrated with her new born son Kevin (Ezra Miller). She blames Kevin for her unhappiness and believes that Kevin has a personal vendetta upon her. This film in broken into three parts, before Kevin's birth, while Kevin is growing up and of course the aftermath of his actions.

Kevin's childhood was mainly focused around his father Franklin (John C. Reilly) as he and his mother didn't get along. Kevin and his dad would get along and everything was fine, but when Kevin is with his mother, he is like a devil child. Always doing what he feels like and pushing his mother to her boiling point. As Kevin grows up from this little boy to a young man, you can see that he is twisted and sick. A great example of this is when you find out that Kevin had murdered his little sister's guinea pig.

Eva gets a very disturbing message at her work office saying that there is a person within her son's high school killing-off students, unknown to her that it is her son that is performing these unthinkable actions she races to the school. Shock and horror filled not only her heart, but the hearts and souls of the audience. Eva is constantly tormented with the horrific images of that day, which keeps playing in flash back throughout the film.

This film is one of the greatest modern day films that I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. The cinematography and directing is excellent and I cannot think of one bad thing to say about this film. Although the film has a very dark atmosphere and is very uncomfortable to watch in certain parts, it is a great film which I believe audiences from all backgrounds should have the opportunity to view.

This film has everything that a modern day film needs to have to attract a large audience. Mild course language, sex scenes, violence and medium level drugs use. From the moment the film starts, you will be captivated. This film describes in full detail every mother's worst fears and nightmares.

If you ever got news about a psychotic person within your child's school killing-off students, would you ever jump to the conclusion that maybe it is your child?

I believe that this is the must watch film of the year and this is why I'm giving this film 5/5 stars. The captivating realism of this film will shock you, frighten you and maybe even make you scared about how you are really raising you children. Children are the future, so don't turn your back on them - you never know what they might do just to be heard.
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Why? The must watch film of the year
When: UK (21 October 2011), Australia (17 November 2011), USA (27 January 2012)
Where: In cinemas
Your Comment
Great write up, mate. I will definitely be viewing this before the year is out. It's getting some great reviews from other critics also.
by Matt Elliot Taylor (score: 1|22) 4208 days ago
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