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Home > Brisbane > Comments > 10 Ways to Spoil Your Dog for Under $10
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Couldn't let my dog off the leash, he'd run away (used to be a stray but we've had him for 4 years now). In fact, 2 nights ago he escaped through a tiny hole in the window! Naughty dog. Anyway, I didn't know doggy ice cream existed! The dog in the poster for it looks exactly like your dog, haha
by Lucinda (score: 2|342) 2363 days ago
by Jane Wong (score: 3), 2363 days ago
Awwww that's a shame :( but fully fenced dog parks are just as good - dogs wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway! Haha it's a dog's world out there - I'm sure one day they'll have more treats than the humans do...