It's Payback Time: Ways to Save the World

It's Payback Time: Ways to Save the World


Posted 2013-12-17 by smitafollow
[SECTION]It's Payback Time[/SECTION]

Few days left for the new year. Another year shall pass. Days go by. We age, hopefully grow mature. Life goes on. But is there something we 'take' for granted? Yes, I did highlight the word. That's what we do, take. And when will we give back? Just because they are not asking anything in return, is it right to be so selfish? Still wondering who I am referring to? It is the Mother Nature! The earth, air, sky, water, trees, selflessly giving us since so many years. When will we pay back? Are we waiting for the right time to act or can we start now?

Everything in nature is meant to be in equilibrium. When the world was created, it was not thought that some day a race shall come and use up everything, trample upon all the resources and never think about conservation. And now with each passing day the nature is going haywire. Millions of water drops can form the ocean. Similarly, if many hands and minds work together, we can make a difference and the world, a better place to live in.
Read on to see how man has abused each natural resource and what can depletion of the same lead to.

What could we do without this wonder molecule. Life exists on earth, only because of water.
Scientists and astronauts study other celestial bodies, just to find out if water exits. Survival of every living being on this planet depends on water. But the human race has been remarkable in wasting this resource. The water bodies are being polluted with industrial waste. And rain is getting more and more unpredictable.

Each one of us must use water more judiciously to make a real difference. Right from homes to bigger industries, water must be conserved. Recycling water, rain water harvesting and using wind and solar energy to produce electricity can save lots of water on a large scale. Pollution of existing water bodies can be prevented by treating industrial waste to remove harmful chemicals.

[SECTION]Air and Pollution[/SECTION]
Zillions of vehicles and factories letting out poisonous oxides and sulfides in the air. Over 90% world population is suffering from dust allergies, asthma and all sorts of breathing problems. Imagine what happens to the flora and fauna around us. Use of air conditioners and CFCs and their effects on ozone is a story known by all.

Some lifestyle changes can go a long way. Walking, cycling instead of driving the car can not only reduce air pollution it can help you offload some kilos. Use of public transport also helps. Vehicles and industries must treat the exhaust before releasing it.
And grow more trees.

[SECTION]Land and Population[/SECTION]
Population is exploding at an alarming rate. With more mouths to feed, there is higher depletion of resources. With higher needs of housing, infrastructure, there is lots of road drilling, mining which in turn affects the balance of the soil. Garbage dumping causes land pollution.

Measures should be taken for population control. Waste should be segregated and reused and recycled wherever possible. This will also help in preventing growth of harmful microbes and insects, in turn curbing outbreak of diseases.

[SECTION]Trees and Animals[/SECTION]
They inhabited the planet before us and when humans evolved into the smarter creatures, tried to make them our servants. Unaccounted deforestation for wood, paper, has reduced this only oxygen giving resource.

Animals have been slaughtered since ages for their skin/fur, meat or just for hunting and fun. Also animals have lost their natural habitat with the loss of forests. Industrial wastes polluting the air and water have affected the life there as well. Harmful chemicals have entered the ecosystem and are causing permanent genetic defects in plants, animals, sea-life, birds and humans.

Conservation of remaining forest cover should be compulsory. Using alternate to wood in building houses, furniture, infra-structure and saving as much paper as possible would help. Use electronic methods for communication and avoid taking prints. Animal poachers should be severely punished.

[SECTION]Exhaustible Natural resources[/SECTION]
Over the centuries, man has used natural resources embedded in the earth. Oils and petroleum, coal, mineral ores have been used and abused. Growing population has an increasing demand of these resources. However these substances were formed many many years ago and are exhaustible. Once their stores are over, there won't be any more forming.

Using alternate products for generating energy is the key here. Make use of solar and wind energy which is abundant. Saving fuel wherever possible and using bio-fuels can help in conserving the resources.

88939 - 2023-06-11 08:00:39


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