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Hi Jenni
It depends entirely on which school of nutritional thought you belong to, and there are several. It is not my philosophy to believe something I hear or read simply because it fits within the narrow paradigms of scientific research. And even if I was, there are several bonafide scientific studies that support the theory that eating late at night is detrimental to your health. Over the course of my studies I have read several articles from both sides of the argument and in the end, one must act according to what feels right to them based on their knowledge, experience and intuition. If you feel eating late at night is good for you, go for it.

Ancient cultures, in addition to Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine support the theory and know that our bodies have natural rhythms, and metabolic cycles where digestion has peak efficiency times and when it does not; night is naturally the time for our bodies to rest, cleanse and heal, not working overtime to digest a late night meal or snack.

As for muffins they most certainly can be a healthy snack, and not necessarily full of sugar and fat. I make delicious sugar, dairy and gluten free fruit muffins, and there are plenty of relatively healthy muffins sold in cafes today - which are certainly preferable to snacking on a donut or sausage roll, and offer some variety from straight fruit and vegetables.
by Clare DeVille (score: 2|293) 4037 days ago