Water Night

Water Night


Posted 2020-10-12 by Susan J Bowesfollow

Thu 22 Oct 2020

As I did not grow up on the land, it was not until I owned a home that I realised the importance of water and how much we relied on the seasonal rains for filling our tanks, watering our gardens, swimming in creeks and waterways and having water for general home use. However, in the not so distant past, we were very close to having our dams, creeks and rivers dry up and because of that, we should now be quite aware of our responsibility to nature's valuable resource – Water.

Unfortunately, research conducted by Smart Approved WaterMark has revealed that Australians still have an addiction to using their taps unnecessarily. Smart Approved WaterMark is a not-for-profit water efficiency organisation who are launching a National Challenge - and turn off your taps from 5.00 pm to 5.00 am on 22nd October 2020 to manage only one bucket of water for the night for everything except flushing, drinking and handwashing.

I once stayed with a family in the outback and the only time they flushed the toilet was for the bigger jobs and washing water was re-used for different loads of clothes then let go on the ground to water the grass or dirt as was the case. I also know of people who have lived in the country and now reside in the city, yet use a bucket of water in the sink all day for washing hands and rinsing dishes. It was not that long ago when our dams were at record lows and we were encouraged to lessen the amount of time spent in the shower. Water is one commodity we cannot rely on to be there when we want it.

It is quoted that Australia is the World's driest inhabited continent and that if we were more mindful to the value of water, we would cut out unnecessary use and save more. On another trial, as part of Australia's Relationship to Water, people were surprised at how often that reached for the tap without thinking of what they are doing even when they were told not to. Some tied a towel around the tap so they would not notice it.

Smart Approved WaterMark[/LINK] is encouraging all Australians to #register ">sign up to the to improve water mindfulness. To help understand the value of water and the challenge, hop onto the website to read more. Australian TV personality Gorgi Coghlan is an ambassador for the campaign along with Australian Tiktokers Jasmine XTO, Rory Eliza, Jane Edmanson , Sophie Thomson and Costa Georgiadis .

#register ">Sign up today and enjoy the challenge.

#family -attractions
!date 22/10/2020 -- 22/10/2020
152983 - 2023-06-14 07:20:30


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