Victoria Police Museum

Victoria Police Museum


Posted 2013-01-20 by anonymousfollow

Today I went to the Police Museum in Melbourne City with my mum and her small group of day care children.

The museum was really quiet and small but there was lots of reading, with information about past serial killers, police chases and criminals.

The children we took were aged 5-8 and they were all really well behaved. We had four children with us and we got them to listen to some information that we read out to them from the information board in front of each display. Some things we didn't read out to the kids due to the fact they were too little to understand, but most of the things we did read to them.

The kids liked the museum because they thought it was interesting what it was like to be a police officer and how dangerous it could be.

After we read a few things out to the kids, they roamed around and looked at the displays of uniform and weapons. There was a projector running which had a small film clip about police officers who risked their lives and had died in the past. The kids were quite touched by this, our youngest kid we had there who was 5, actually shed a tear. It was amazing that such a young child felt sympathy.

At the back of the museum there were a few walls with photos of the 9/11 plane attacks in New York City. There was a little description next to each photo, the kids took turn reading each one. Once we read them all, we felt quite sad about the attacks. The kids said that they were glad they were now informed about them because sometimes their parents had spoken about them and they didn't know what it was.

That was the end of the museum, so before we left we wrote a message each in the comments diary. The kids left beautiful messages saying "R.I.P" and "You will never be forgotten". It was really nice and my mum called the kids up one by one so they could tell her a message to leave - it was good because they thought for themselves and they were all really sincere about it.

After that, we looked at the gift shop and the kids bought a little Victorian police badge each for themselves.

Once the museum was done, we stopped and had some food at MacDonald's to reward the children for being so fantastic on our trip out.

Some people might say that the police museum isn't a fun or good place to take young children. I think otherwise - it's something completely different, and it's educating them about the world.

Most parents believe that all children need is a game console and that's all. It's best to educate the children of today to make them wiser and be more in the know! The children did say that it wasn't the most fun place on earth, but they got something out of it and felt sorry for all of the police who risk their lives everyday to keep criminals off the street.

Here are a few little comments from the children we took today to the museum, to let you know how your children may react if you plan to take them.

Nikita (aged 5) - "The museum was so sad but I liked it, because I know what police officers do now."

Bobby (aged 7) - "I loved it! I want to be a police officer because I want to save Melbourne from criminals. I even got to talk to a real police officer in the recruitment room and he told me the things I need to do when I'm older to become one. It was awesome."

Daniel (aged 8) - "It was a good museum. I liked learning about police officers."

Joel (aged 9) - "Great museum. The 9/11 plane attack part was so sad to hear about, but I am glad that I know because I can tell my friends now and they do not know about it. The only bad part of the museum is that you have to be quiet because other people want to read the stuff in peace and also you can't really talk much because you need to read and look at stuff and people get sad in there because the stories are sad."

190862 - 2023-06-16 03:30:06


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