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Looks good. Would prob go with the mushroom burger myself; never been a big fan of quinoa. Problem with these trucks or in your case bicycle, I find it too hard work 'chasing' them down especially if you have to drive into city and find a car park to begin with. But it prob wouldn't taste the same at a shop... It's all part of the experience, chasing... queuing... and then finally getting your food!
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3943 days ago
by Kathleen (score: 2), 3942 days ago
Yes, it's definitely part novelty and part the 'completed mission' factor that make it taste even better. I might hum the Mission Impossible theme to myself while I wait next time hehe

I would sometimes be too lazy to follow through but on this occasion I had nothing better to do and I'm glad I got one.