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Oh what wonderful sentiments, I whole-heartedly agree! Ive' indulged a few of these but 5 is still my favourite ... have a great time in NZ
by Kate Blake (score: 3|1501) 1979 days ago
by Kate Blake (score: 3), 1977 days ago
Agreed commercialism has taken over all our holidays now and it cheapens the event! I tend to give gifts when I find something that suits that person ... have refused to be locked into 'special occasions'
by Jade Jackson (score: 2), 1977 days ago
Thanks! The whole commercialism of everything really irks me, especially because roses naturally bloom around mid Feb, so they should be cheaper, not more expensive! I’m all for showing the love or giving presents, but I don’t like feeling orced to, just so companies can meet their sales targets. Fun fact ~ In Japan, it’s done totally different, girls give presents on Valentine’s Day, guys give presents a month later.