University of Queensland Arts and Heritage Day

University of Queensland Arts and Heritage Day


Posted 2014-08-28 by Tony Dyerfollow

Sat 20 Sep 2014

The University of Queensland is hosting its UQ Arts and Heritage Day on Saturday, 20 September, 2014. The day has been organised to promote the University as an interactive arts, heritage and cultural destination.

All three UQ museums - the Art Museum, the Anthropology Museum and RD Milns Antiquities Museum - will be open to visitors, and the dance troupe from St James College will perform a special Welcome to Country. You will be able to view the contemporary art exhibition, ' Courting Blakness : Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University' which will be on display in the Great Court.

Dr John Harrison from the School of Journalism and Communication will be the event's MC throughout the day.

The UQ Arts and Heritage Day is open to everyone and entry and parking are free.

The activities for the day commence at 10.30am and run until 3.00pm. There will be an information kiosk located in the Great Court to help during the day.

To keep you on track so you don't miss a thing, the program for the day's activities is set out below.
10:30am: UQ Art Museum, UQ Anthropology Museum and RD Milns Antiquities Museum open to visitors; Courting Blakness art installation open. Welcome to Country performance by students from St James College.

11.00am – 12:30pm: 'Courting Blakness' - an opportunity to hear from the Curator, Adjunct Professor Fiona Foley, and some of the participating artists.

11:30am – 12:30pm: The sculptor, Rhyl Hinwood's walking tour #1 will depart from the information kiosk in the Great Court.

12:30 – 1.00pm: The Art Museum will conduct a Q&A session with Zen Buddhist Lindy Lee on her exhibition 'Lindy Lee: The Dark of Absolute Freedom'.

1.00 – 3.00pm: After the Q&A at the Art Museum Lindy Lee will conduct a zazen, (seated) and a kinhin, (walking) meditation session in her exhibition. Visitors are welcome to join and to follow and observe the artist; but are requested to remain silent.

12:30 – 3.00pm: At the Anthropology Museum tours will be conducted of the current exhibition 'Strong Women Strong Painting Strong Culture - Aboriginal Women's art of the Central and Western Deserts'.

1.00pm: At the RD Milns Antiquities Museum you will be able to join the, 'A Study in Stone' exhibition tour and hands on sessions of the artefacts.

1.00pm: The first of two performances by the UQ School of Music of Peter Sculthorpe's String Quartet number 11 'Jabiru Dreaming'.

1:30 – 3.00pm: Still at the RD Milns Antiquities Museum - Hands on History: Drop in handling session of artefacts

1:30 – 2:30pm: The sculptor, Rhyl Hinwood's walking tour #2 will depart from the information kiosk in the Great Court.

2:30pm: The second performance by the UQ School of Music of Peter Sculthorpe's String Quartet number 11 'Jabiru Dreaming'.

3.00pm: Event finishes.

With all this activity you are going to need a break once or twice during the day. For your convenience Darwin's Café, Bar Merlo in the Great Court and the Humanities Undergraduate Student Society's sausage sizzle will open for business.

This magnificent event is proudly supported by UQ's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - .

!date 20/09/2014 -- 20/09/2014
110100 - 2023-06-12 14:49:18


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