Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee


Posted 2010-08-05 by Heath Hewittfollow
is fun, easy to learn and can be played on any park or sports field around the city. It’s a non-contact sport with a combination of AFL, touch rugby and netball but with a Frisbee. It may sound simple, but don’t be fooled, it can get exhausting.

It’s a popular sport at local universities, probably because it’s so cheap. All you need is a Frisbee, eight marker cones and a bunch of mates. It’s a great social game to play in mixed teams. According to Australia:

“The basic aim is for the team with the Frisbee to pass it up the field to others on their team and complete a pass into the endzone. At the same time the defensive team is trying to intercept it or knock it down. If they succeed, they get possession of the Frisbee and are trying to score in the other endzone.“

There is no referee in Ultimate and it’s up to players to call the game and adhere to the rules. For a general overview of how the game is played check out this website. A more in depth look can be found here. Don’t worry, it’s actually easier than it sounds, but those of us a bit sluggish in the athletic sector will be singing the praises of substitutes. When you get the hang of the game, check out this website for some animated plays, tips and tactics.

While regulation Ultimate is played on a field 67 meters by 37 meters, any rectangular-shaped grassy field around the city will do. Your local park can be a great place to set up a game. Your local soccer field is another ideal location for a match. Check out this video of an Ultimate match, just for a taste at what more experienced players can pull off.

Don’t worry, you’ll get there with enough practice.

is played world wide and its popularity nationally has propelled it to the leagues of the Australian University Games. It's also played in the World Games as Flying Disc.

Once you fine tune your weekend game and want to raise the stakes, you can think about signing up for some local competition with the NSW for leagues, tournaments and training sessions.

128787 - 2023-06-13 05:18:10


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