Turn Your Mood Around With These 10 Tips

Turn Your Mood Around With These 10 Tips


Posted 2013-03-12 by Sarah. Cfollow
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Whether it's coming home late from work or from a night out, sometimes you are just on the verge of breaking point and all you want is something to give you a piece of mind, relax your hard-working muscles, words to put you at ease and calming rituals to guarantee you a good night's sleep.

When things just get all too much for us ordinary individuals to handle, some very simple relievers can truly make a world of difference.

1. Curling up with a blanket, a good book and a cup of tea. Lavender, peppermint and green tea are said to relieve much of that nervous tension. Free yourself of this energy and drink away.

2. Treat yourself to a long spa or bath. This is a great way to unwind, get out of your own head and relish in the goodness that a little time for yourself can do to your wellbeing.

3. Indulge in some good food or perhaps a treat just a tad bit sweeter than usual. Refraining yourself from too much all the time will do you more harm than good. It's okay to let go of the many strict rules you apply in your daily life and move towards moderation.

4. Talk it out. You are sure to get more stressed if you bottle things up. So share a long-winding chit chat with a good friend, partner or family member. As you all know, laughter is the best medicine so talk yourself out of a stressed mind. Now, you are halfway there to de-stressing your life.

5. Take a walk. It's a bonus if you've got a pet to accompany you for the short trip. If not, that's still okay. Take time to absorb your surroundings, feel the fresh air on your skin and ground yourself in the present. This can relieve lots of that negative energy, allowing you to pick yourself up for a whole new day ahead.

6. Listen to your favourite tunes. There is no doubt that music is known to be one of the greatest stress relievers known to man. Blast those harmonies like you just don't care and the change in attitude will kick in slowly after.

7. Punch it out of your system. Exercise really works. If you've got a punching bag handy; why not punch the nerves away. Otherwise yoga or a relaxing massage session will do the trick.

8. Breathe. Just take a deep breath. Then inhale deeper and slowly exhale it out. Feel better already? This is an effective way to release some of that tension or some of those thoughts that seem to be stuck in your head and are just refusing to get out.

9. Take a 15 minute nap. Reserve this time for you and only YOU! Do whatever it takes to make this so-called "me-time" possible – lock the door if you have to and just lay there. After this, you will soon understand the real meaning of an energised mind, body and soul. Just a tip: a buzzing mind won't be allowed during your "me-time" so be sure to find a way that works for you to completely switch off.

10. Turn that mood around by watching a good comedy flick. Laughter really does lift the spirit and is believed to be one of the best medicines too. There is no harm in simply having a few good laughs.

My all-time favourite way to de-stress is keeping your attitude in check. It is all about your personal approach to what life throws at you. Do you take things as they come or is stress-head your middle name? People tend to worry about the details before they've even happened. While it's good to think and plan ahead of time, check yourself each time you sense that this habit is getting way out of hand. Keep smiling. Not only will positivity enhance your mood, improve your overall wellbeing but it has also proven to draw people to you.

Others are spending their time away from home in a hospital, in a prison, on the streets or in a coma. Some unfortunately don't get the chance to see tomorrow. The things you may be going through are definitely not as bad as those formerly mentioned. It may be easier said than done but mentally check yourself every each time you find yourself falling into a spiral of negativity. Keep a positive outlook, take a deeper breath when need be and smile because guess what? Once you take that second look, you will notice life smiling right back at you!

90145 - 2023-06-11 08:17:23


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