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I love the look of the superfruit museli.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12643) 3039 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3035 days ago
That's okay. There are probably two reasons why it is recommended - first is sales, and second, because for a long time it was believed fruit juice was very healthy and general public still believe it. It can take a long time for changes to happen. We have known forever that processed sugar is bad, but industries are only now beginning to make a concerted effort to take it out.
by Jen (score: 3), 3036 days ago
Hi Bryony, didn't notice your second comment :) Too true what you're saying, and it's generally recommended (by an Aussie in the USA of course lol) Joe Cross; 80%vegtable 20%fruit :) x
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3038 days ago
The problem with fruit juice though is, that although a the sugars are natural, there are an awful lot of them (about three or four times as many as if you were eating one piece of fruit), and it takes twice as little time to consume as whole fruit. Fruit juice contains what is known as extrinsic sugars - sugars that are absorbed quickly into the blood stream, just the same as processed sugars are.
by Jen (score: 3), 3038 days ago
Hi Bryony, with superfoods and plant based foods marching forth with their super powers :) it's a perfect little juice food bar for the health conscious. I just want to live next door and I'd be happy to live on it :) Hope all is well with you :)