Top Tips to be a Better You
As we enter a new year, now is a good time to reflect on the past and prepare to make some changes, if you want to, in the coming twelve months. Don't just roll into another year - make this year the best ever.
Here are some simple and easy suggestions to help you have an amazing year full of personal growth and happiness.
1. Laugh More. Laughing fills your body with 'be happy' chemicals. It also boosts your circulation, immune system and gets more oxygen into your cells. Try to laugh a lot, laugh each day and you'll feel better for it.
2. Be Grateful. Be grateful for what you have. Think of something that you are thankful for each day - it can be something like being thankful for your family or friends or that you have enough food or a decent job or just being thankful to be alive and well. As you concentrate on the positive things in your life you will feel more content and less stressed.
3. Stop Being Negative. Everyone has an inner voice that can sometimes be very negative. Try to be aware of this little voice and stop it flooding your mind with negative thoughts. Try to replace the negative thoughts with more positive ones.
4. Make a Positive Affirmation. Choose an positive affirmation or phrase that has meaning to you and recite it to yourself, silently or out loud, each day. It can help you develop a more positive out-look.
5. Make A New Years Resolution. The New Year is a great time to make a resolution but you can make one at any time. Try to make it a positive resolution, or maybe make more than one, one that you can easily keep and one that is a little bit harder to achieve.
6. Tell The Universe What you Want. Ever heard of the power or positive thinking? Well apparently if you project out positive thoughts the Universe will hear you and respond. So tell the Universe what you want to attract, such as money, love or success, repeat your affirmation each day to keep it fresh in your mind
7. Eat Happy. Take a look at what you eat and how it affects you. Food is linked to happiness so aim to cut out bad food items from your diet and replace them with healthier choices.
8. Leave Old Baggage Behind. Try to get rid of all the old baggage you carry with you in your life because negative feelings weigh you down. Make peace with someone you have had an argument with or confront someone you have a problem with. Sort through your problems and let them go. If you can't do it in person, write it down.
9. Be True to Yourself. Don't compare yourself with other people. Stop feeling jealous or inadequate because you don't have, or can't do, what other people do - it's a useless exercise that makes you feel down, depressed and insecure.
Of course, these are just a few suggestions to help you become the best you can be. There are plenty more, but you just have to think positive and give it a go.
90718 - 2023-06-11 08:27:25