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Another yummy list, Sue! You'll have to let me know how you change the colour of your font to red - I've never been able to figure that out. Well done with the Silver too!
by Elaine (score: 3|9423) 2358 days ago
by Elaine (score: 3), 2358 days ago
Thanks Sue, will definitely check with Vanessa! Thanks for getting back to me...
by Sue W (score: 3), 2358 days ago
Hi Elaine, thanks for your comment. I think it was editor Jemma who gave me the code awhile ago via email, when she fixed up my headings for me and I asked her how she did it. I have tried typing the code in this comment box before to another writer who asked, but it just comes out red and doesn't show the code! Tricky! So maybe email Vanessa or an editor and ask for them to email the code to you so you can read it. It's nice to put in some colour, hey. Good luck!