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As much as I love K.I. - visiting for about the 16th time for two weeks this September - at $80 return per person, and that’s just for Seniors, it’s an awfully expensive day trip! And that’s only the passenger fare on the ferry, let alone any other transport costs to Cape Jervis or on the island.
I feel inclusion in an article about day trips could actually put people off from experiencing one of the wonders of our state, once they realise the cost.
An article about places to visit for longer stays around our state would be great, especially while overseas travel is curtailed, and for this, Kangaroo Island is perfect!
by hjay1 (score: 0|8) 947 days ago
by Barry J (score: 2), 942 days ago
Good point, thanks, hjay1. If the day is planned well, the experiences on KI make the ferry ride worthwhile.
You're right about KI deserving a longer stay though. It not just a wonder of SA, interstate visitors love it.
After the global new coverage of the bushfires, many more international tourists are waiting for borders to reopen too.