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Home > Adelaide > Comments > 6 Top Churches on Yorke Peninsula
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Unfortunately,church doors are generally closed..pity as I would like to look inside.The Moonta Mines Methodist Church,The Uniting Moonta Church and the former Wallaroo Methodist Church are 3 of the churches mentioned,that I have been able to take a look inside.The one at Wallaroo,was somewhat different inside to most churches that I have been into and I was disappointed that it had to be closed and converted into a private residence.Perhaps these churches could stay open for a few hours longer on Sundays,to allow visitors to poke their heads inside...especially those 2 churches in Moonta,where many tourists visit throughout the added tourist attraction for the town.
by noelp (score: 3|1201) 2337 days ago
by Graeme Fanning (score: 2), 2337 days ago
Yes, you are right - it is a pity that some of them are not open for longer! As you say, it would be an added tourist attraction and of interest to a lot of people!