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Home > Canberra > Comments > Top 5 Cafes & Eateries in Fyshwick
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Silk Cafe on the bend in Cessnock St has been really nice. My husband and I have been there a couple a times and have enjoyed our coffees and snacks. I drink soy coffees and sometimes it can be hit and miss, but they make it well.
by chris (score: 0|4) 2237 days ago
by Sue W (score: 3), 2237 days ago
Hi Chris,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Yes, I have seen Silk Road on the corner there, near the turf farm - great to hear you have found a good one to visit. When you find a place that makes coffee just how you like it, you're onto a winner! I will have to give it a try next time I'm in Fyshwick.
Thanks again for reading.