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Top 10 Things to do in Bed

Home > Sydney > Misc
by Diane (subscribe)
A french foodie in London, enjoying the food, the people and even the weather - most of the time... I love sharing recipes on my blog
Published February 22nd 2012
Two Girls in Bed (1893) by Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec (Wikipedia Commons)

Number 1 - Yes, of course. Nice to get that one out of the way!

Number 2 - Reading: I am about to start Julian Barnes "The Sense of an Ending", borrowed from the library. The sense of anticipation is palpable. I am finishing "Pulse" on my kindle by the same man. I do love short stories and his have a wonderful atmosphere - which makes up for the lack of a twist at the end. I am very partial to a twist in the end, but sometimes all is required is the right three or four words.

Number 3: Daydreaming. In our age of hyper visual and auditive stimulation, I fear we are losing the art of daydreaming. Art that I think I had perfected by the age of 12 and which has been a constant source of happiness and consolation ever since. Staring out of my bedroom window into the sky, I am blissfully unaware of the fact that I am actually practising self-hypnosis, recharging my synapses and refreshing my brain cells.

Number 4
: Eating in bed. The ultimate indulgence. I love being brought a tray with a burnt toast and a cup of tepid tea by my youngest son on Mother's Day. Best breakfast ever.

Number 5
: Chatting. I don't mean 'pillow talk', that has been dealt with at Number 1, but just recalling the events of the day or chatting about the world, life etc. Of course there is also the odd argument about the banking crisis or the Greek debt, but my other half and I try to keep that for the lounge and not for the bedroom.

Number 6: Pillow Fight. Okay, it has been a long time but it was so good.

Number 7: Surfing the Net. Where else does it feel better than from the depths of our bed?! Window-hopping from your bed is a delightful activity; no crowded tube, no nosy assistants, no irate shoppers and no blasting music.

Number 8: Decluttering and Rearranging. I sometimes mentally redecorate the whole house before I even set foot on the floor. Very therapeutic and it does not involve lifting anything heavy. Unless of course, you then set out to do it properly.

Number 9: Massaging and receiving a Massage. Hmmm, back to Number One.

Number 10: Sleeping. Don't you? Possibly my favourite activity in the world.

Good night.
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Why? Have fun in bed.
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Doing number 7 in bed right now. :) Loving it!!
by Ashleigh Meikle (score: 2|284) 4038 days ago
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