Toowoomba Sunset Superbowl Tenpin Bowling Centre
A Toowoomba icon for teens, competitive team players and schools needing an end of year excursion, Sunset Superbowl has been an entertainment fixture for years. I wanted to know, can you get a full day of fun activities at Sunset, and how much will it set you back?
I took my mother to Sunset for her birthday. She was a champion bowler in her twenties and was excited to get reacquainted with the fun. We started at 10am on a Saturday, and had two games, which were $9.50 per game, per adult.
After we played, we moved over to the cafeteria to have a spot of early lunch. I'd recommend a milkshake and chicken chips, to be honest. Sometimes bad food is the best food- it tasted delicious, and cost us less than $15 each.
Post-lunch lull, we spent a good thirty minutes watching other people play and chatting in the cafe area. Groups of kids, team players with their embroidered shirts on practising, parents being tested by their teenagers- it was great people watching.
Finally, we moved on to the games area. Sunset has a full arcade area with air hockey, pool, various two-player games and those money-sucking claw machines. With games between $1 and $3, it was good fun for not a lot of cash. My mother flogged me on most of these games, to my chagrin.
All in all, I can safely say, yes it is possible to spend an entire day of fun at Sunset Superbowl for a group of people. Whether it's for a kid's birthday party, a day out with the family or a day of escaping adult responsibilities, I'd highly recommend it.
96481 - 2023-06-12 02:44:36