10 Tips to Help You Stay Balanced & Happy
We all have a zillion things to do.
There are more demands on us than ever before. Work, family, friends, buying a house, keeping a house, raising the kids, walking the dog, running errands, fixing the garden and somehow we have to squeeze in some
'me' time - Easier said than done.
But really, really important!
I never knew the importance of this until a few years ago and believe me, I now relish 'me' time.
So how can we keep ourselves in balance? How can we live a fulfilling life whilst maintaining our joy? How can we juggle the many demands that have become our "life" and not sink under the sheer weight of it all?
Next time you start to feel like it's all a bit too much, remember these wise words of wisdom:
This too shall pass. It's just another day. All is well. Let's not forget to remind ourselves ... I can do this!
Meanwhile here's some simple idea's to help propel you into much needed 'me' time.
1. If nature's your thing, go for a walk and sit in a park. Take a book and spend 30 quality minutes reading. I'm telling you, after doing this you are going to feel refreshed. There's something beautiful about sitting in nature with bird song around you, fresh air, gentle breeze in the trees.
2. Walk on the beach. Feel the silky sand between your toes. Stand in the ocean. Take a few slow deep breaths. Consciously. Become aware of how your body feels. Do you feel relaxed or uptight? Breathe. Be here now.
3. Go sit in a coffee shop and watch the world go by. It doesn't cost much, it gives you a small treat and some much needed time to yourself. Read the paper if it's something you don't get time to do.
4. How long has it been since you have done something creative? Do you draw, thread beads, potter, knit, slap paint on a canvas? Whatever you enjoy – do it. Set aside some time and make it a priority. Getting creative is wonderful stress release. You deserve this. You know you do.
5. Go watch a sunset. Simple and beautiful. Doing this never ceases to remind me that there's a bigger picture going on. It helps to connect to a oneness and marvel in the fact that every sunset is different to the next.
6. Give thanks for all you have in your life. Simple gratitude can pull us into a thankful space. It's amazing how little we truly need to get by on in this world and the reality is, we have a lot to be grateful for.
7. Connect with an animal. If you love cats, dogs, birds or horses – make it a priority to spend some time simply "being" with them. Perhaps help out at a RSPCA shelter. Connecting with animals revitalises our playful side.
8. Buy a meditation CD and
listen to it. How many times do we say we know we 'ought' to do this but we just never get around to it? Meditation directly deposits valuable serenity into our inner calm bank.
9. Do you play an instrument? Guitar, piano, violin? Do you get around to indulging very often? Set aside some time to simply play. Enjoy. Don't have any expectations like you have to write a song or play perfectly. It's not about that. It's about you time. And connecting with your sweet music.
10. If writing is your thing, set aside half an hour to journal and pour your heart out someplace safe. Letting go of pent up feelings is a deeply healing thing to do. Or if you're a idea's person like me, I can assure you that jotting down your ideas is productive and clears your mind.
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