Theatresports Championship Cup
Sun 07 Apr 2013
Improv legends will be battling it out to win the coveted WA Theatresports™ Championship Cup at the picturesque Mount Lawley Bowling Club over the next three months.
Theatresports™, created by the legendary Keith Johnstone, is the original improvisation competition. It throws performers, comedians and game punters quick challenges, requiring teams to think fast and act ever faster as they perform scenes and scenarios inspired by audience suggestions.
Directed by National Theatresports Champion and
Just Improvise's Creative Director Glenn Hall, and featuring the toe-tapping tunes of live house band the
Cross Eyed Cats, THEATRESPORTS™ 2013 is improvised theatre the whole family will love!
Roll up from 4.00pm for a lawn bowl and a sausage sizzle before the show. THEATRESPORTS™ is extremely popular and shows sell out. Pre-booking is strongly advised to avoid disappointment at the door.
All tickets are just $14.50 through
Show Ticketing .
Sunday 3rd Feb CAST (Fringe World Allstars and Friends) includes: Glenn Hall (
The Improved) Will O'Mahony (
The Improved) Chris Bedding (
Pirate Church) Jessica Messenger (
The Standover Man) Brianna Williams (
Shakesprovisation) Libby Klysz (
See Ya, Sailor Man) Tegan Mulvany (
de Grussa Fringe Show) Ann-Marie Biagioni (
Poly) Chantelle Magnus Zac Hall Paris Burns Hannah Rice and Lance Magnus
!date 07/04/2013 -- 07/04/2013
219669 - 2023-06-16 07:54:01