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Hi Paula, this fascinating tourist spot has been in my life for as long as I can remember....the original owner of this land was my Great-Great-Grandfather,Capt. Thomas Lacey Lawson who farmed the land now under the reservoir.His son-in-law, Edward Gaston (his wife was Penelope Lacey Lawson), also farmed in this area - there is a stone cairn in a corner of the carpark area noting the information about Capt Thomas Lacey Lawson....this area was a favourite picnic destination for my family long before it became a tourist destination and I am pleased that so many people are now able to enjoy this wonder! Maureen
by embee (score: 0|6) 3447 days ago
by guy (score: 0), 1455 days ago
Hi Maureen
I am also a descendant of Capt. Thomas Lacey Lawson. Looking for more info about the past.
by Paula McManus (score: 3), 3445 days ago
Wow! How fantastic is that? So many wonderful memories for you! Thankyou for sharing your story with me :)