The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Book Review

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Book Review


Posted 2012-11-27 by Sarah Saysfollow
I really loved this book - a charming, funny and inspiring tale on how to change your life for the better and become all that you can be, wonderfully told as a fable by Robin S Sharma.

In the last year I have changed my life - I am a very different person in mind, body and spirit and now as I head towards the next stage of my journey, a little help and inspiration is always welcome in whatever form.

That for me was just what this book was. After reading The Secret earlier this year, I was in need of a new push and some new techniques to keep me on the right track and, as they say, a change is as good as a rest.

For anyone who is starting off on the route of self improvement, midway through or at the end of the process, this is a great book to get inspiration from, to learn more and to see things from a different point of view - with some very practical lessons and techniques.

Told in the style of a fable it tells the story of Julian an overweight, materialistic hotshot lawyer who after a wake up call disappears and five years later returns a completely different man.  The premise is him returning to see his old protege to tell his story and pass on all that he has learned.

It is written in a very chatty way, as it is mostly a conversation between two friends, which I really like, as it means it is less preachy than some of these books can be and it means it is written in plain English as two people would speak to each other. It gives great examples and step by step techniques and puts it into very real practical terms which anyone can follow.  

The goals and techniques are simple and easy to follow, allowing the reader to draw from the story exactly what they need. The techniques can be easily adapted to suit everyday life and to fit into the real world. It also gives at the end of the practical chapters a one-page summary of the most important bits and the techniques that relate, which I found really useful as there is a lot to take in so a summary like this is very welcome.

Its teachings are much the same as The Secret - that like attracts like, being more positive will enrich your life, to focus on goals and to believe that you can create your own existence and get what you want. But the style of the book allows for it to be comical in parts and it has some really fascinating facts that really make you think - such as we have on average 60,000 thoughts on an average day. Wow, no wonder I am so tired. Plus, it doesn't feel like a "self help book" as such, but a story that happens to follow someone else's self improvement journey.

One of my favourite aspects of the book is The Heart of The Rose technique which is all about focusing and channelling the mind - I found this interesting as my mind is usually all over the place and always thinking so to learn how to fully focus will be a gift.

Other parts I found interesting were Opposition Thinking, learning about Leadership and Discipline, the 5 Step Method for Attaining Goals and the Magic Rule of 21. All very relevant in modern life, that I believe anyone can relate to and use.

I would absolutely recommend reading this book, no matter what stage of your life you are in.  If you have changed, want to change or need a push to continue with the process then this is a great read. Now of course a book cannot change your life, you have to want it and you have to work hard, but this is a great start offering practical advice and some great simple techniques that you can follow in your everyday life. Plus due to its style it is a lighter read than many self help books, which can be fairly daunting to start. Think of it as a shopping list of ideas, advice and tasks that you can pick and chose from depending on your circumstances and life.  I found some of the techniques really inspiring and it is definitely the push I need as I head into my second year of my new life.

91109 - 2023-06-11 08:33:47


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