The Great Merfolk Migration - Coogee Beach
Sat 11 Mar 2023
Calling all merfolk and merfolk enthusiasts!
After being postponed due to Covid regulations, the Coogee Live Great Mermaid (and other Merfolk) Migration presented by Fliptease is back up and running and set to take place near The Jetty at Coogee Beach.
All merfolk wishing to participate must
pre-register before the day and will be expected to arrive by 8:30am on Saturday March 11th to sign in and get ready, at Coogee Jetty.
To participate, you must already own your own tails, tops, accessories, makeup and jewellery etc. Whatever you need to get into your merfolky self, however, please keep in mind that glitter is not permissible during this event.
Participants and spectators alike are also reminded to bring and wear sun protection - "Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide!"
All participants will also be required to sign photo release forms, as there will be multiple photographers on site to capture all the fun of the event, which opens to the public at 10am.
!date 11/03/2023 -- 11/02/2023
134186 - 2023-06-13 10:26:49