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Home > Gold Coast > Comments > The Glass Menagerie by Gold Coast Little Theatre
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It looks like a quiet, understated play. The intimate stage setting looks like a good place to hold such a character driven play.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12643) 3564 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3564 days ago
I still remember a community theatre play I went to with my grandmother a long time ago. It was a small, intimate stage, and you felt much closer to the story than you do with large scale productions. I think the stories tend to be generally more relatable as well; they have a sense of realism or being a kitchen sink drama.
by Jacqx Melilli (score: 2), 3564 days ago
Yes, Bryony. What some people don't realise is that community theatre can be just as good as the big shows. A lot of the actors and crew are 'between jobs' professionals who are great at what they do. I admire that they are proactive in their careers and use community theatre as a way to develop or fine-tune their skills. I hope that my reviews can win some supporters for community theatre.