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The Empire Strips Back: A Star Wars Burlesque Parody

Home > Perth > Burlesque | Comedy | Theatre
by Lydia C. Lee (subscribe)
Lydia C. Lee is still trying to work out what to do with her one wild and precious life. She currently is a haphazard blogger. Read more at or
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We wandered up King Street and into a galaxy far, far away. The Empire Strips Back is on at the Enmore for two nights only, on the Australian tour, before heading over to Perth, Albury and Melbourne (dates in other cities and towns listed here).

Back in 2011, Russell S Beattie ("He's the brains, sweetheart!") created the Star Wars themed burlesque show, initially for a run of three nights only. However the popularity was beyond expectation and the show continued to travel the country, performing to sell out crowds.

The revamp of the show The Empire Strips Back: A Star Wars Burlesque Parody brings the things you love in Star Wars and combines them with a tongue in cheek burlesque show. The costumes are taken to the next level, as the masks are made by the same people that worked on the films, and the remote controlled R2D2 robot is impressive, and had the audience shrieking with delight. Even Luke wouldn't be able to utter his "What a piece of junk!" line with any conviction.

The audience itself is part of the humour. The enthusiasm for the movie favourites fills the theatre with roars of delight, not to mention a few Jedi filling the seats.

The props, costumes and puppets are very sophisticated, and the quirky juxtaposition of the sultry dancing and the evil empire causes great mirth. I will never look at the Emperor the same way again! The finale brings the house down - but I don't want to spoil it so you'll have to see it for yourself.

The MC is great for encouraging the already vocal audience to participate, and the highlight was a hilarious Wookie calling shout off...As someone very fond of Chewie, I was not disappointed with his appearance (and very glad he kept his fur on! "Laugh it up, Fuzzball!")

To quote Darth Vader "This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the end of the rebellion" or maybe it will just be a night of great laughs and saucy entendre. If you grew up with Star Wars, or just like a giggle, then this is for you.

If you've missed your chance with the Star Wars show, never fear. The makers are working on a new show, just in time for Christmas, the Bill Murray themed Burlesque! Who ya gonna call?!
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*Lydia C. Lee was invited as a guest
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Why? Great show for Star Wars fans or lovers of Burlesque
When: See website for dates & theatres
Where: Sydney, Perth, Albury and Melbourne
Cost: $59
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