Alex is a freelance writer, retail worker, short film maker, an avid lover of The Arts and always willing to explore.
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After attending the film's opening night at the Luna Leederville (yes it took over twelve months for an Australian release), my partner challenged me to do a review without giving away it's important plot twists. Challenge accepted.
After the opening title, we are thrown into the social standard of the guts and glory horror we all know and love. Five friends decide to drive their van out to an abandoned cabin in the woods and along the way they come across a creepy old man at a run down petrol station; nothing could go wrong right? And what would a stereotypical horror scenario be without with out it's cliché's characters; the stoner; the jock; the nerd; the popular girl and the virgin - well, sort of. Much to the hilarity of the film the group do just about everything you shouldn't do when in a creepy cabin; which results in them fighting for there lives when suddenly under attack from bombarding creatures of the night.
As for the rest of the plot, it's pleasantly far from what you would normally expect; and balances out stunningly between a well mixed cocktail of classic horror and laugh out loud humour. Seeing how I'm still traumatised from when people told me the ending from The Sixth Sense, don't expect me to tell you what happens in the rest of the movie - of course, aside from the killer unicorn.
In the large array of god-awful horror films to be recently brought out onto the big screen and direct to DVD/Blu Ray, The Cabin In The Woods is a refreshingly needed milestone to the long drying out horror genre. Aside from the somewhat awkward and pretentious cameo from Sigourney Weaver, The Cabin In The Woods is a deliciously bloody, funny, well acted, all round brilliantly written and directed satire of the horror genre. This is the Casablanca of movie spoofs and whether you are a fan of horror or not, this is not to be missed.
OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification) rating: MA15 Strong Horror Violence.