The Bloody Long Walk - Perth 2016
Sun 25 Sep 2016
Enjoy Perth's amazing coastline and scenery while doing some good. Join the Bloody Long Walk Perth and walk, run, or jog 35km from South Perth to Cottesloe.
The Bloody Long Walk raises funds for mito, or mitochondrial disease (mito). This is a debilitating genetic disorder that robs the body's cells of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure and potentially death. There is no cure and few effective treatments.
The walk takes place on the
25th of September, kicking off at Sir James Mitchell Park in South Perth, before crossing the causeway and following the river to Fremantle, then heading up the coast to Cottesloe.
Head to the
website to register and start fundraising. The website also has a suggested 10 week preparation training and further information on mito. You can also put your hand up to volunteer for the event, with tasks such as registration, event logistics, and traffic marshaling.
#cottesloe -beach
!date 25/09/2016 -- 25/09/2016
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