What are the Best Head Lice Treatments
Nothing else makes me feel like itching more than the mere mention of head lice. These tiny little blood suckers make me paranoid. I cannot think of another single thing that makes me scratch like crazy just by having somebody mention the dreaded lice.
I would hate to know how much I would scratch if I ever got them.
It seems lately everybody has them and it is doing my head in. There are signs at the kinder, there are newsletters, flyers and DVDs from the school. Class rooms seem to be infested with them, 3 of my 4 kids have had head lice this month, but it seems we are not alone. Chemists are sold out of solution, schools are sick of having to send children home on a daily basis to get treated for head lice, and as a parent I am sick of people ignoring the problem and not treating their children appropriately and sending them back untreated the next day.
So whilst it's easy for me and everyone else to blame ignorant parents, it's more useful to look at ways to effectively get rid of the lice and prevent them returning.
As you can see I hate lice and I have done some extensive research on them to try and help anyone that is unsure how to treat head lice or prevent your child from getting head lice.
To check if your child has head lice is simple. Lice lay eggs in the warmest part of the head, so behind the ears and base of the neck are the most likely spots to find eggs. If your child has eggs but you can't see lice they still need to be treated as the eggs will hatch in approximately 7 days after being laid. It only takes one egg to be missed to start the cycle again.
A popular way to check for live lice is to cover your child's hair with conditioner, which stuns the lice for approximately 20 minutes and gives you time to comb with a special nit comb to check if there are any. After each comb through the hair, wipe it on paper towel to check for lice and eggs.
If you find a lice or eggs, you need to treat your children with a solution every 7 days for 3 applications in total, this way it stops the life cycle of the lice and eggs.
There are many solutions available from the old fashioned strong chemical type to the more natural varieties that now even include an organic range. Speak to a pharmacist to advise you on the best solution if your child has any allergies.
Make sure you get a good quality nit comb, it makes a big difference. I like the 'Nit free' comb available at pharmacy's for about $14.
Truths about head lice:
They don't jump.
Conditioner will not kill head lice.
Head lice don't survive long without a blood source.
To prevent head lice:
I have found some great organic products that help prevent head lice; first is tea tree shampoo and conditioner, hair gel that has natural oils that lice hate, a tea tree preventer spray.
For girls tie their hair in a plait or a braid and use hair spray to hold it, lice don't like hair spray.
For boys the tea tree hair gel is great.
The prevention products are expensive compared to your average hair care products, but might be worth the investment in the long run. I have the
Eat kid organic products available from Price Attack for $14.95 each and for the solution I use
Moov by Ego is available at all pharmacies for $19.95.
I also found a
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great website for home made lice prevention .
Last of all make sure you treat the entire family at once, it only takes a small amount of contact for lice to hitch a ride on someone else and before you know it the cycle starts again, so prevention and early detection are the key to avoiding itchy heads.
Apologies for making anyone feel itchy.
89543 - 2023-06-11 08:09:28