The Best Chilli Episodes from Bluey
Brumm, J.
“Rain” Bluey Season 3, Episode 18.
Image Link.
"Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you. "
Chilli speaking to Bingo,
"Sleepytime", Bluey
Chilli Heeler (played by Melanie Zanetti) is the wife of Bandit, the mother of Bluey and Bingo, and one of the main characters on the hit television show
Bluey. Chilli is a working mother who juggles holding down a job with raising her two little puppies. She has become a positive role model and an icon for modern motherhood. This article will discuss some of her most prominent episodes in seasons one to three of
1. Baby Race
Brumm, J.
“Baby Race” Bluey Season 2, Episode 49.
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Episode Details: Season 2, Episode 49.
Air Date: 17 November 2020
Written by: Joe Brumm
"Baby Race" was the episode that I think made a lot of people really identify with Chilli as a character and appreciate her as a mother. The episode begins with Chilli reminiscing with Bluey and Bingo about what life was like when Bluey was a baby. After Bluey learnt to roll over first, Chilli was so proud and showed off to everyone. When Judo was the first to crawl, it became a baby race between the two mothers to see which child was going to walk first. When Bluey takes a long time to walk, Chilli becomes dejected and worries that she is failing as a mother. After some kind words of encouragement from a friend, Chilli realises that motherhood should not be a competition and that she should run her own race. Chill tells Bluey that she learnt to walk when she was ready. The episode ends with a flashback of Baby Bluey picking herself up and walking for the first time in the kitchen straight into Chilli's arms.
"Baby Race" is such a beautiful episode. The first time I saw this episode the ending almost had me in tears. Chilli's joy when Bluey walks for the first time is so relatable. Mothering can sometimes feel like the hardest job in the world.
2. Onesies
Brumm, J.
“Onesies.” Bluey Season 3, Episode 31.
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Episode Details: Season 3, Episode 31.
Air Date: 17 June 2022
Written by: Joe Brumm
“Onesies” is one of those emotional episodes of Bluey that hits hard and stays with you for a long time. Chilli’s sister Brandy is visiting the Heeler household for the first time in years and has brought onesies for Bluey and Bingo. The children are delighted with their new onesies and run off to put them on. Bluey is disappointed that her cheetah onesie doesn’t fit and Bingo complains that her zebra onesie is too large so Chilli encourages them to switch. When Bingo reappears in her cheetah onesie she begins growling and making clawing motions with her hands. Feeling guilty, Brandy tries to leave, but is tackled by Bingo the cheetah. Brandy starts laughing and wrestling with Bingo in the grass.
Bluey finds a quiet moment to ask Chilli why Auntie Brandy seems sad and wants to leave. Chilli explains to Bluey that there is something Brandy wants more than anything else in the world but she cannot have it because it is not meant to be. As Chilli is speaking, the scene cuts back to Brandy, and we see a look of longing cross her face as Bingo escapes her grasp and runs off. The episode heavily hints that Brandy wants children of her own but suffers from fertility issues which makes it impossible. I was blown away with the quality of the writing in this episode. I really love that the creators of Bluey are unafraid to address sensitive topics like infertility in a child-friendly manner. They were able to show Brandy’s pain and sadness in a way that was appropriate for children and resonated with parents.
3. Rain
Brumm, J.
“Rain” Bluey Season 3, Episode 18.
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Episode Details: Season 3, Episode 18.
Air Date: 8 December 2021
Written by: Joe Brumm
"Rain" has quickly become one of my favourite TV episodes. I put it on all the time because I find it so relaxing. When a heavy thunder roll rolls over the Heeler household, Bluey is utterly delighted. She runs around in circles catching rain drops on her tongue and splashes in puddles. When the gutters over flow, Bluey becomes determined to damn the water pooling in the front yard. This frustrates Chilli who would rather she come inside and stop mucking around in the dirt and getting wet. She puts towels down and grabs a mop and gestures for Bluey to come inside but her energetic little pup has other plans. She runs in and out of the house and grabs multiple things that she thinks will help her damn the water. Chilli eventually gives up on trying to keep Bluey dry and her house clean and decides to join her daughter in playing in the rain. I really relate to Chilli in this episode. I have two kids and also struggle to keep my house clean. When Chilli decides to give up on cleaning and join in the fun, I felt for her. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your sanity is to forget about keeping the house clean and to just let the kids have fun being messy.
4. Sleepytime
Brumm, J.
“Sleepytime.” Bluey Season 2, Episode 26.
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Episode Details: Season 2, Episode 26.
Air Date: 11 April 2020
Written by: Joe Brumm
"Sleepytime" is largely considered to be one of the best episodes of
Bluey and has been called a "masterpiece" by critics. The episode begins with Chilli reading Bingo a bedtime story. Bingo is determined to do a big girl sleep and wake up in her own bed. Chilli tells her to do her best and that she will always be there if she needs her. Bingo falls asleep and has a dream where she hatches out of the Earth like it were an egg. She finds her stuffed toy Floppy and jumps on a comet and launches herself towards the centre of the solar system where she faces the sun. Bingo feels safe and warm. In her dream, Chilli is the bright warm sun at the centre of Bingo's universe.
"I have to go," she tells her.
"I'm a big girl now." The sun shines brightly and she hears a comforting, familiar voice.
"Remember," says Chilli, her words echoing from within the sun.
"I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you." The episode ends with Bingo waking up in her own bed. This episode will always be one of my favourites. because it shows what a deep and powerful connection Chilli and Bingo share.
5. Sticky Gecko
Brumm, J.
“Sticky Gecko.” Bluey Season 2, Episode 12.
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Episode Details: Season 2, Episode 12.
Air Date: 28 March 2020
Written by: Joe Brumm
In the episode
"Sticky Gecko" Mum needs to get Bluey and Bingo out of the door in time for a playdate but that involves doing a million things to get the kids ready and dragging them away from finishing their game of waiting for a rubber gecko to drop from the ceiling. Chilli's patience wears thin until she finally snaps and tells the kids they won't be going on the playdate. When Bluey asks what is wrong, Chilli explains why it is important they try and be on time for the playdate, because its polite to try and be on time for things. One of the things that I like about Chilli is that she isn't perfect. She loses her patience and her temper sometimes, which is what makes her relatable. A lot of people like this episode because it feels so true to life. It can be so hard to get kids ready and out the door on time. I like it that Chilli takes the time to explain to Bluey why she lost her temper and why it is important to try and be on time.
6. The Pool
Brumm, J.
“The Pool.” Bluey Season 1, Episode 22.
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Episode Details: Season 1, Episode 22
Air Date: 22 October 2018
Written by: Joe Brumm
The episode
"The Pool" begins with the Heeler family sweltering during a heatwave. Bandit comes in and tells them that his brother Stripe called and said that they could use his pool while they were on holiday in Bali. Bandit and the kids are eager to get out the door and head straight to the pool. Chilli calls out to them and tells them not to just take the fun stuff to the pool but to bring the important stuff as well. Bandit and the kids roll their eyes and call her boring. I love Bandit as a character most of the time. I am not fond of him in this episode because I think he is childish and dismissive of Chilli and I don't like how he tries to get the kids to think she is boring and he is fun. I love it when everything blows up in Bandit's face and he realises that he should've listened to Chilli and brought all the pool supplies like a responsible parent. When Chilli turns up later at the pool all smiles and carrying the rest of the pool supplies, Bandit is relieved, and the kids rush to greet her. Bandit is thankful and Bluey and Bingo learn to appreciate and respect their mother more.
7. Obstacle Course
Brumm, J.
“Obstacle Course.” Bluey Season 3, Episode 2. Image Link.
Episode Details: Season 3, Episode 2.
Air Date: 23 November 2021
Written by: Joe Brumm
In the episode
“Obstacle Course” we get to see how Chilli and Bandit’s parenting styles differ. The episode begins with Bluey and Bandit playing a game of snap. Bandit keeps winning each time which upsets Bluey who thinks that he is being unfair not letting her win sometimes. Bandit disagrees and thinks that it is important that Bluey learns how to lose so she can work harder at getting better. In the backyard Chilli sets up an obstacle course for Bluey and Bingo. This excites Bandit who challenges Bluey to a race. Chilli doesn’t want them to race because she thinks they don't need everything turned into a competition. Bandit calls them a chicken and bribes them with sherbet to race him.
Chilli disapproves of Bandit’s behaviour but lets the children race. After Bandit wins easily, Bluey and Bingo demand to race again, but this time decide to cheat. Chilli is not pleased with this idea. Bluey is able to win the second race easily after rigging the course. Bandit is furious with her for cheating. Chilli suggests to Bluey that she try to beat Bandit at the obstacle course without cheating. Bluey agrees to give it a go because she knows it is the right thing to do. Chilli is such a good mother in this episode. I like how she stands up to Bandit when he plays unfairly and helps Bluey to beat him at the obstacle course. The lesson that Bandit was trying to teach Bluey and Bingo was not a bad one. They do need to learn how to lose. But Chilli was also right that Bandit doesn’t have to turn everything into a competition. Bandit’s biggest flaw is he has a competitive streak. He can’t handle losing and has to win at everything he does.
8. Sheep Dog
Brumm, J.
“Sheepdog.” Bluey Season 3, Episode 11.
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Episode Details: Season 3, Episode 11
Air Date: 2 December 2021
Written by: Joe Brumm
In the episode
"Sheep Dog" Chilli has been caring for the kids all day and has reached the end of her limit. When Bandit returns home, she tells him that dinner is in the slow cooker, and then asks him if he can look after the kids so she can have twenty minutes to herself. Bandit immediately understands and jumps in and offers to entertain the kids. Bluey is hurt that Chilli doesn't want to play with them and worries that she hurt her feelings or that she regrets having children. She dodges her dad's desperate efforts to keep her entertained and runs to find Chilli and asks if she is ok. Chilli comes out of her room and tells her that she is fine, she was just tired and needed a short break, because it can be exhausting raising two small children. Bluey understands and leaves her alone so she can continue having some much-deserved time for herself. What I like about this episode is how it addresses the fact that parenting can be exhausting. It is ok to take a break from your kids and carve out some alone time for yourself. It doesn't mean you regret having kids. It just means you need a little time alone to focus on your own needs. I like that Chilli was so up-front and honest with Bandit that she needed a break and that he supported her without question. I also liked that Chilli took the time to talk to Bluey and reassure her that she wasn't mad at her and didn't regret having children.
9. Grandad
Brumm, J.
“Grandad.” Bluey Season 2, Episode 50.
Image Link.
Episode Details:
Air Date: 25 October 2020
Written by: Joe Brumm
In the episode
“Grandad” we learn more about the relationship that Chilli has with her father Mort. The episode begins with Chilli taking Bluey and Bingo to visit their grandfather who has been sick lately. When they pull up in the car to his house, Chilli is angry to see her father is tending to his garden instead of resting. Grandad runs away from Chilli and encourages Bingo and Bluey to join him. Chilli gives chase and it quickly becomes a game of hide-and-seek. Grandad has a lot of great hiding spots and thinks that it is very funny to disobey Chilli and run away from her. Chilli is amused with the game at first, but soon becomes frustrated, and begs him to let her take care of him because she still needs him. Grandad takes her words to heart and ends the game of hide-and-seek. The episode ends with Chilli and Mort sitting on the edge of a pier together and watching the sun set. The final shot is a flash-back of Chilli sitting in the same spot as a child with Mort sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders. It is a really sweet moment.
10. Driving
Brumm, J.
“Driving.” Bluey Season 3, Episode 20.
Image Link.
Episode Details: Season 3, Episode 20
Air Date: 10 December 2021
Written by: Joe Brumm
I’ve read a lot of criticism online from people who think that the parenting style in
Bluey is unrealistic. They think that Chilli and Bandit spend far too much time in their day playing with Bluey and Bingo. In the episode
“Driving” we see that this is not true. Chilli and Bandit are not perfect parents and do have other responsibilities. Chilli has a huge mental load. She is constantly multi-tasking, doing chores, signing permission slips, prepping meals, finding lost toys, and answering phone calls from work. When Bluey asks if Chilli if she can play a game of driving, Chilli tells her she is busy on the phone at first, then decides to hang up on the phone and spend five minutes playing with Bluey. There have been so many times when my kids have wanted me to play with them and I didn’t have the energy or the time to spare for more than five minutes. The episode
“Driving” is a stand-out for me because it shows that Chilli is just like everyone else. She doesn’t always have much time for games but she always tries her best to engage with her kids and that’s what makes her such a great mum.
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The Best Muffin Episodes from Bluey
The Best Bandit Episodes from Bluey
The Best Lucky's Dad Moments from Bluey
Bluey Baby Race - Book Review
Bluey The Pool - Book Review
Bluey Sleepytime - Book Review
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